📈 Breaking news! Arbitrum TVL breaks through 3 million ETH! 💥

The latest data shows that the total locked value (TVL) of Arbitrum, the Ethereum layer 2 solution, has exceeded 3 million ETH, reaching an astonishing 3,900,022 ETH at the time of writing, which is about $13.5 billion at the current price! At present, the total number of bridge addresses on the Arbitrum chain has reached about 737,000.

🚀 How are other L2 solutions performing?

🔹 zkSync: Total locked value of bridges reached 3.725 million ETH

🔹 StarkNet: about 908,000 ETH

🔹 Optimism: about 783,000 ETH

🔹 Base: about 611,000 ETH

Major Ethereum layer 2 solutions are competing fiercely, attracting more and more locked value and users. Arbitrum's strong performance has undoubtedly injected new impetus into the L2 track!

🔍 Why choose L2?

Ethereum's second-layer solution provides faster transaction speeds, lower transaction fees, and higher scalability, making it the first choice for many developers and users. With the booming development of DeFi and NFT markets, the importance of L2 solutions will be further highlighted.

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