The points given in the article are already ridiculously accurate, right? 🤩🤩

Except for me, no one else can give such accurate points at this time, right? 🤔

Is it difficult to get such accurate points? 😂It's not difficult, isn't it just naked K to see where the pressure point is? If you think I'm incredibly accurate for such a simple thing, I think you really need to improve your skills. Since ancient times, those who laugh last are those who have the ability to endure loneliness and improve themselves, rather than those who do nothing all day and indulge in pleasure and enjoy themselves. If you play outside every day, you certainly can't have such good technology to analyze such accurate points.

This is the technology and skills that I have accumulated over many years and days and nights. 👌How much suffering and hardship have I endured to make me judge the points so accurately, time proves everything, and only when the tide recedes can we know who is swimming naked👌

#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低