Have you ever experienced the kind of surprise that is like a dream? When I woke up, there was an extra 50,000 in my account. It was as if I was blessed by the god of luck and became the "chosen one" at that moment. That night, confidence surged like a tide. I did not hesitate to add 75 times leverage, wanting to take advantage of the victory. However, things are unpredictable. I woke up again one night and found that the account margin of 300,000 had shrunk to insignificant. I hurried to cover my position, but it ushered in a long "black week", and finally failed to escape the fate of the liquidation. This dramatic scene makes people sigh: life is like a play, and the play is like life. What's more ironic is that on the second day of the liquidation, the market rebounded miraculously. All this seems to be the arrangement of fate, which makes people laugh and cry. The greed of human nature is always revealed inadvertently. It can never be satisfied and always drives us to pursue more and greater benefits. But please remember that investment should be cautious and never let greed blind your eyes. For more thoughts on investment and life, please click on my avatar and discuss together. #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛