In the next ten years, the big cake may be the best stable value-added product for the middle class, and it will also be the best investment platform and target for high-end circles.

Why do I say that? First of all, why is the US dollar called the US dollar? Because the US dollar was linked to gold in the early days, also known as the gold standard. Later, as everyone knows, gold began to rise continuously. Later, the US dollar was linked to oil. Because of the industrialization process and the technological era, oil has become a large rigid circulation raw material. The whole world needs to use it, and oil has also risen. Now, the US dollar is ready to be linked to Bitcoin.

What do you think about the future of Bitcoin? I can tell you directly that as long as the United States is still the world's number one power, the US dollar needs to circulate through Bitcoin, and these US dollars will eventually buy US Treasury bonds to form a financial closed loop, so the future appreciation of Bitcoin can be said to be basically certain.