ETF fund inflow

BTC's ETF funds are turning to inflow, and institutions are buying on dips.

It can be seen that after the previous mainstream declines and ETF fund inflows, BTC has ushered in a big rise. Last Friday, the US crypto law was negative, institutions began to enter the market in large quantities, and the mainstream rebounded.

On the other hand, the surrender rate of miners hit a record low.

After the halving, miners have a hard time and their profits have been halved.

It can be seen that the previous miners surrendered at the bottom.

It is worth noting that the US non-agricultural data will be released on Friday, which is expected to break the deadlock of shocks. Pay attention to the leverage of the positions in the market to avoid being harvested by the pin.


BTC: There are many large amounts of BTC transferred to the platform, which has a suppressive effect on BTC. BTC rebounded along the 5-day line. With the weakening of long volume, it needs to further test the high point. The upper $63,345 is the key point of the pin. BTC breaks through $63,345 with large volume, and will enter a short squeeze market, quickly rushing up and strengthening. Next, BTC will rise to test $63,345.

Resistance: 63345, 63898, 64567

Support: 62333, 61565, 60874


The holding volume has changed significantly, indicating that the market is about to change. ETH is still in a volatile trend. The hourly line has entered a triangle convergence trend. The upper $3474 is the key point of the resistance line. ETH can only build a bottom and strengthen when it stands at $3474, and then quickly rush up. Next, ETH will rise and test $3474.

Resistance: 3474, 3513, 3564

Support: 3404, 3353, 3302 #ASI代币合并计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #IntroToCopytrading