Since the advent of Bitcoin, some criminals have taken advantage of people's lack of basic understanding of Bitcoin and used the concept of virtual currency to concoct various scams.

Last year, the Liuhe police in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province uncovered a fraud case involving Bitcoin recharge, investment and account information maintenance. The funds involved amounted to more than 420,000 yuan, and 10 suspects were arrested.


Invested 30,000 yuan and earned 13 times in 24 hours, turning it into 390,000 yuan

The victim Yang learned from his friend Sister Ding’s WeChat Moments that he could make money by speculating in “digital currency”, and Yang was tempted. Following the advice of his friend Sister Ding, he downloaded an App and added a “data director” on WeChat. The “data director” asked him to register a PolXXXXX App account and contact online customer service after downloading it. For the first time, Yang invested 30,000 yuan and earned 398,320 yuan in 24 hours. With more than 13 times the income, Yang tasted the “sweetness” at the beginning, and then he fell into the trap set by the other party step by step.

I invested another 390,000 yuan but couldn't withdraw the money. I realized I was cheated and called the police for help.


The customer service told him that he could become an agent by investing 300,000 yuan. Yang, who was blinded by the high profits, invested 170,000 yuan successively and carried out buying and selling operations under the guidance of the so-called "data director". In the end, the assets on the App showed 22.10624 million yuan. Yang told the customer service that he didn't want to play anymore and asked to withdraw cash, but after waiting for 24 hours, the funds did not arrive. He checked the platform and found that the assets were frozen.

The customer service explained that Yang's information was inconsistent and he needed to pay 10% of the funds in his account, or 221,062 yuan, as risk money to modify his incorrect personal information. Eager to withdraw cash, Yang transferred another 221,062 yuan to the customer service, but the customer service told him that he had not noted the risk money and had to pay the risk money again. At this time, Yang suddenly realized that he had been deceived and called the police.


The police went on multiple missions to arrest 10 people and recover more than 100,000 yuan in stolen money

At the end of July, Nanjing Liuhe police determined that this fraud gang was operating in Dongying City, Shandong Province. In August, five suspects were arrested in Dongying City, Shandong Province, and in September, two suspects were arrested in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. Through continued work, the police have identified more suspects. At present, Zhang and four others have been approved for arrest on suspicion of fraud, Wang and four others have been released on bail pending trial, and two have been criminally detained according to law.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch"! If you encounter a similar investment and financial management platform, the police recommend:

First, don’t be greedy or impulsive, and think calmly. Remember that anyone who promises high interest returns is a liar. Simple investment + high returns = high risk.

Second, investment should be cautious. Recognize the nature and harm of illegal platforms, especially those of Internet P2P financial management, futures and stock investment, and verify their legality and formality through authoritative and professional channels in a timely manner.

Third, do not communicate with strangers who are trying to persuade you to invest in financial management during online chats, and do not disclose personal privacy information.

Fourth, once you are cheated, you must preserve relevant evidence and report to the police in time.

If you encounter this kind of pig-killing scam, call the police immediately if you are cheated. Don't believe in the so-called risk money or margin mentioned by the scammer, as it will only cause you to lose more.

If you want to buy Bitcoin, go directly to a large platform. There are tutorials online. Don’t invest in some messy exchanges and software.

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