Yesterday, the price of Bitcoin soared strongly, breaking through the high of 63,800, and Ethereum also jumped to 3,520, both of which accurately hit Peng Ge's preset target.

The current shipping situation shows a tug-of-war in the range of 61,800-66,000 on the 4-hour chart, and short-term fluctuations are frequent and temporarily fall into shock correction. Although there is a small correction, it is not persistent.

At present, the persimmon market is still in the correction stage of the bullish trend, and the upward trend has been fully established. It may experience a correction after a step-back, and then try to touch the high and fall back again. The end of the trend is often accompanied by repeated attempts.

Pressure levels: 64,000, 66,000, 3,600, 3,720; support levels: 62,200, 61,800, 3,420, 3,380. High and low can be more!

Those who chase the short need to watch the market, important pressure 3720, 3680, daily long and short dividing line. #非农就业数据即将公布 #BTC翻倍之路 #ETH收益