I actually discovered an unknown secret in this wave of pull-ups of $BTC !

Yesterday I thought that this wave of pull-ups of Bitcoin was to burst the air force, and more and more people were bearish in the market. Although this reason exists, it is obviously not professional enough. As a form of formation, there must be some kind of regularity. Just like the time periods of the last two rounds of bull and bear markets were basically 356 days for bears and 1037 days for bulls.

In addition, every halving will definitely be a big bull with similar regularity. The crazy bull market must be accompanied by the expectation of interest rate cuts to form an epic top!

Today's review of Bitcoin's trend found that:

Everyone knows that the mirror image was drawn as early as the beginning and middle of June. In the middle of the 20 days, it has not been out of the mirror image interval. Yesterday's rebound was actually predicted. I also posted a post the night before yesterday. The daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly lines must have a market on the same day, calling on everyone to chase the rise and chase the short when it falls!

However, it was this pull-up without volume that did break the interval I drew before {Figure 2}. Even with this weird pull, I still believe that it will not go all the way up. Remind long orders to flee with profits!

Today, I found that there was a small problem in the previous drawing. You can find the specific problem by comparing the two pictures.

Especially in Figure 1, we will find that the symmetry of the mirror image happens to need this wave to form an edge on both sides (yellow arrow), otherwise there will be only one side and no side. With this wave of pull-up, the trend of the mirror image is perfect!

If you agree with my point of view, please click to track, and if you disagree, you can leave your opinion in the comment area!