A quick overview of popular coins in 3 hours (from CoinsRadar.net):

[Coin price fluctuations]

1. [Contracts] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

#MTL +2.34% #LSK +1.38% #CRV +0.71% ;#FET -5.23% ETHFI -3.61% APE -2.96%

[Spot] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

MLN +6.51% MTL +2.3% CVX +1.66% ;FET -5.22% ETHFI -3.6% CTXC -3.51%

2. BTC 1-hour moving average broke down

[Important information]

1. A whale/institution transferred 1,800 BTC to Binance in the early morning

2. Arthur Hayes: A new inflation cycle has arrived, and Bitcoin will be the best safe haven for wealth

3. Bitfarms mined 21% more Bitcoin in June, reaching 189 Bitcoins

4. Bitcoin computing power fell to the lowest level since December 2022, suggesting that the market may have bottomed out

5. Analysis: Coinbase Premium Index shows that Bitcoin prices may have bottomed out

6. Obol Network released Charon v1.0

7. SOFA.org announced SOFA airdrop participation requirements

8. Bitwise BITB had a net inflow of US$40 million yesterday

9. The proposal NEP-1 to integrate Lorenzo Protocol with zkBridge has been launched

10. BlackRock acquires asset/private market data provider Preqin #内容挖矿

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