#Runes on the market are slowly starting to mature 🧵

We are currently seeing the lowest daily volume since the creation of Runes

It may sound silly, but combined with the price action of the top projects, this can be seen as a bullish sign for the future

Here is the daily volume chart:

What I like is that despite the historically low volume, strong projects are still maintaining and even a few are rising in price

This shows a few things:

1. Sellers are decreasing

2. Projects with stable communities and substance are starting to become more defined

3. We are transitioning from the initial hype and short-term trading volatility to an accumulation phase for long-term holders

$BILLY is trading on much lower volume than last week, but is up 7% today

$DOG is up 5% this week and trading on much lower volume than in the past

$GOB has always traded at lower volume than new runes, but is up 25% this week

$PUPS Volume this week was 8btc, less than DOG and Billy traded per day last week, but up 20%

DECENTRALIZED and LOBO were up 6% and 8% respectively on significantly lower volumes

You can look at it this way: ‘Oops, volume is down, are Runes dead? ’

Or you can look at it this way: ‘Oops, volume is down, but Runes haven’t crashed yet’

Obviously this isn’t financial advice, but it suggests that once volume returns, prices are likely to rise quickly

We don’t know when this will happen, and a lot will be influenced by Bitcoin price movements.

But Runes are starting to stabilize and reach a base level, current holders are happy with their positions, they are not slashing prices, and smart buyers are still accumulating

It is always the hardest to buy when things are slow, but this is also the period when you usually get the best entry points

Now is really the time for Warren Buffett's famous saying "Be greedy when others are fearful"

Maybe when volume returns things will move quickly, you can wait and possibly get a better entry point, but may miss the gains

Or diversify into good quality Runes that perform well during the market downturn, so as not to chase the gains later
