Recently we have seen how several #airdrops have been distributed to users who generated organic activities in various protocols and networks #Layer2 in a given time. Scroll is another layer 2 network without an official token that is beginning to attract the attention of several users to generate activity through different interaction mechanisms, which could be criteria for a future airdrop. What activities can I do in Scroll for a future airdrop? Let's explore.

Unlike other layer 2 networks that did not know how to "farm" (generate activity), Scroll has decided to give certain clues, a kind of guide to know what to do within the network.

They called it "Sessions", which is a program to reward users with brands for participation and commitment within the network. "Session Zero" has already passed and now we are going to "session 1".

Image 1

Each Session has activities to be carried out, which generate new marks that are recorded in each direction, which are non-transferable.

Image 2

As can be seen, this session is focused on activities in #DEX and loan protocols. There are some that give greater incentives and/or brands than others, so you have to know how to choose.

Thus, a new opportunity has arisen regarding a protocol called Mitosis. This is a "modular liquidity protocol", which seeks greater interoperability by offering #Liquidez omnichain, capital efficiency, all this without leaving security behind. By depositing liquidity in this protocol we can get "Scroll marks"

Image 3

How can we participate in Mitosis?

In order to guide us I will use the form that I made.

  • First we have to get the #token weETH in Scroll . We can achieve this by staking ETH (minimum 0.1 ETH is recommended for the multiplier) on any network available on Etherfi.

    In my case I used the Base network for staking and then passed the wETH through Stargate to Scroll. The commissions are cheap to carry out these actions.

    Image 4
  • Once we have the weETH in Scroll, we move on to deposit it to Mitosis:

    Image 5

And that's how the process would end. Once the dashboard is updated, you will be able to see your points generated

With these simple actions, you would be farming 5 possible airdrops:

  1. Scroll

  2. Mitosis

  3. Etherfi Season 3

  4. Eigenlayer season 2

  5. layerzero season2

This is a good strategy if you are accumulating Ether and at the same time farming airdrops in different protocols. It would also be advisable to diversify and not put everything in one place. There are also other strategies with other protocols, however, it is each person's decision to analyze and choose where it best suits us.

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