The Macau government recently announced that it will distribute 10,000 patacas to each of its more than 710,000 residents as part of the government's cash sharing plan, which will be implemented for the 15th consecutive year.

This move not only reflects the government's generous care for the people, but also demonstrates the uniqueness of Macau's fiscal policy and its emphasis on stable social and economic development.

This measure directly reflects the Macau government's continued investment in social welfare.

Since the cash sharing scheme was first implemented in 2008, Macau has undergone several adjustments to the amount, from the initial 5,000 yuan per permanent resident and 3,000 yuan per non-permanent resident, to the current 10,000 yuan and 6,000 yuan.

The continuation of this policy and the increase in the amount show the Macau government's determination to share the fruits of economic development with its citizens when the economy permits.

This cash sharing plan is also one of the important measures for Macau to cope with the challenges of the epidemic in recent years and promote economic recovery.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought an unprecedented impact on Macau’s economy, especially the stagnation of the gaming and tourism industries, which has directly affected the vitality of the overall economy.

By directly distributing cash to the public, we can not only alleviate the life pressure caused by the epidemic, but also stimulate consumption to a certain extent and drive the activity of the domestic demand market.

The implementation of the cash sharing program will also help improve the government’s public image and strengthen the trust between the government and the people.

Expressing the government's care to citizens in this intuitive way can enhance public support and satisfaction with government policies and lay the foundation for social stability and harmony.

Such fiscal measures are not without controversy.

Critics believe that long-term reliance on welfare measures such as cash sharing may affect the natural adjustment of the labor market and the sustainable development of the economy.

Therefore, the Macau government needs to give more consideration to how to balance immediate economic stimulus and long-term economic development strategies in future policy making.

The Macau government's decision to distribute 10,000 Macau patacas to each of its more than 710,000 residents is a far-reaching fiscal strategy that it has actively adopted in the face of the challenges of the epidemic and economic pressure.

This is not only direct help to individuals and families, but also strong support for the overall social and economic stability.

At the same time, this also provides other regions with a practical case on how to protect people's livelihood and promote economic recovery through fiscal policies in times of crisis.

In the future, the Macau government’s fiscal policies and social welfare measures will continue to deserve continued attention.

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