Big cake is advancing rapidly! The strong rise is unstoppable! ?

Big cake has been advancing all the way, and it ushered in an extremely strong rise yesterday! It directly broke through the 63,000 mark!

The long orders arranged in the morning rose steadily, and the short-term easily won 600 points!

In the short-term rhythm, although it has been under certain pressure after the high, the decline has not broken the current strong structure at all.

In terms of operation, continue to firmly maintain the idea of ​​low and long!

Judging from the trend structure on the current daily line, the rhythm has changed from weak to strong, and the increase has directly broken the weak shock pattern last week.

So far, it has shown a continuous positive momentum. Although the short-term upward trend has paused slightly, it has not given too many opportunities to step back.

If it can continue to rise like a step at midnight and close steadily above 64,000, then at this turning point, there is a good hope to further break through 66,000, and the daily line will also usher in a new round of new highs!

In the short term, it rose to 63800 in the morning and then fell back.

It is still a familiar routine, falling back and adjusting, and then rebounding after adjustment. Then continue to go long, it is nothing more than choosing a good position to go long.

The support of the hourly adjustment is around 62500, which is the key position for resistance conversion!

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