CoinVoice has recently learned that Polkadot community members Alice and Bob recently released the Polkadot Treasury Report for the first half of 2024 on the official governance forum. The key points are as follows:

Treasury allocated $87 million ($11 million) in the first half of 2024, of which 13% of the expenditure came from execution entities (bounties and collectives); Treasury manages $245 million (38 million DOTs) in assets, of which $188 million (29 million DOTs) are liquid assets; Stablecoins: $8 million of its cash reserves are stablecoins USDT and USDC, and another 2.5 million DOTs ($16 million) are used to continuously buy stablecoins; Designated assets: $24.5 million (3.8 million DOTs) are allocated to several execution entities (bounties and collectives) of Polkadot for strategic initiatives such as marketing, DeFi tools, games, BD, etc., and $6.4 million (1 million DOTs) are allocated to game vertical airdrops; Polkadot has provided 1.6 million DOTs (about 10 million DOTs) to the DeFi market in the ecosystem. The Treasury has approximately 2 years of runway at the current rate of spending (the volatility of the treasury denominated in cryptocurrency may affect this time). [Original link]