BTC Night Quick Review:

4 hours: Bitcoin rebounded yesterday and went out of a 4-hour upward trend, but did not touch the lower track of the same-level center and was still in the third sell position. Although many people began to shout that the bull market is about to return, from a technical point of view, the short structure still exists. The current trend has too much volume in the departure segment, and it is difficult to achieve a reversal through a 4-hour trend. If I have not cleared my position at MA120, this third sell position will be my last remedial clearing point.

Trading suggestions: In the small-level structure of the hour, it is biased towards the long side, and you can look for long opportunities, but you must treat it as a counter-trend order, using a trading combination of a large-level buy point plus a secondary-level sell point. The large level is still in the third sell position, and the short structure remains before it breaks through.

In terms of spot, it is far from the time for the bull market to return as many KOLs say. The large-level bottom-picking opportunity will either appear in the large-level bottom divergence first buy, or if there is no divergence, you must wait for the large-level second buy. If neither of these appears, you can only continue to wait and see.

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