#WLD Why is it falling? The answer is in the picture. The screenshot taken a few hours apart on the same day (today) is the simplest explanation for the 10% price drop every day in a row for a long time. Like many of us, I was very hopeful for $WLD , but now that I think about it, it is almost equivalent to the huge $BNB . It reached the market value for a while... They inflated the balloon, they inflated it, now it's deflating... There is wisdom and logic, even if someone warned Sam Altman, "Brother, you had an opportunity, but you're just screwing around, don't waste your beautiful momentum!" I wish he would whisper in his ear... But no, it is more attractive to unload goods directly to the nation instead of maintaining the price and increasing the supply, trust in his project is shaken, the sucker does not realize it...