Brothers, this is incredible. It is rumored that Biden will withdraw from the election. If this news is confirmed, Trump will definitely win! This is also great news for the crypto community.

Of course, the news still needs to be announced by the White House to be confirmed. After all, the person who broke the news is a TV host named Bill O'Reilly, and his credibility is not very high.

However, flies don't bite seamless eggs. Biden's poor performance in the first debate of the election last week attracted countless doubts and criticisms. It can be said that Bill O'Reilly's views expressed the voice of most people.

Even the major professional media in China: Dozens of newspapers including The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, etc. have published articles calling on Biden to withdraw from the election "for the country."

Not only that, even the largest current affairs magazine "The Economist" next door called on Biden to withdraw from the election again on June 28. In its editorial, it said, "Biden's withdrawal from the election will save the United States from unexpected events."

If this trend continues, Biden might be forced out of office and be kicked out directly after losing a debate. Oh, life is not easy! Even if you are the president, the strongest king, you will still be fired if you don’t perform well at work, so work hard, brothers.

Today is the first day of July, and the market has had a good start. Dabing has led Yitai and a number of copycats to a strong rebound. The copycats with strong market makers protecting the market have even seen an increase of more than 20%, which has boosted the sentiment of the entire market.

Taking stock of the market in June, the performance was disappointing, and it ended with a negative 7%. I thought the market would explode with the approval of the document on 19-1, but the negative non-agricultural data on the 7th became the turning point of June.

As a result, the copycat products fell into the abyss, with prices continuing to fall, eventually returning to the low level before April 13. If one word is used to describe the market conditions in June, Tangren believes it is: tangled.

A whole month of decline has left retail investors feeling gloomy. Fortunately, the troublesome June is finally over and we have ushered in a brand new July, which has seen an increase since the beginning, which can somewhat dispel some of the shadows in everyone's hearts.

There is a popular saying in the trading market: One is flat, two is positive, three is oscillating, four is falling, five is poor, six is ​​desperate, and seven is turning around. The crypto circle may also have a good time for many retail investors to turn around in July.

Before, when the market was at its lowest in June, Tangren had been reminding everyone to build positions and cover positions. It is very difficult to make money in the current crypto circle, but it does not mean that there is no chance to make money. Under the condition of following the general trend, many copycat stocks whose prices have fallen back to the right level still have opportunities. It depends on whether you are professional and courageous enough. In June, Tangren community ambushed more than a dozen targets including pepe, people, w, ens, ordi, etc., all of which achieved a gain of 30-50%.

Tangren believes that there will be more opportunities in July than in June, especially with the massive unlocking of many targets in the copycat sector. For example, Wld started unlocking 6.62 million coins every day after July 24, unlocking 18 million US dollars every day, and unlocking for 730 consecutive days. Spot trading is definitely out of the question, but what about other places? Opportunities are in places we can't see or think of.

In short, finally back to the core, in the bull market, what to buy? How to buy? It is very important, but when to sell is more important. If you want to know more about the interpretation and strategy of the market, add a follow, find Tangren, and play in the crypto circle together.

Tangren’s interpretation of the market

Dabing: As predicted by Tangren in the morning, the market has been fluctuating between 62000 and 63000 after falling below 63000. The market fluctuated within 800 points during the day. The current trend shows that the market still needs to step back to around 62000 before it can rebound. The upper pressure level is 64800 and the support level is 62000.

Auntie: The market is basically in a correction trend during the day, but the pullback is not very strong. The lowest point is 3468. The current market situation still has not been corrected. The market continues to be bearish to 3400. The upper pressure level is 3550. The support level is 3400

In terms of cottage: there is basically no significant performance during the day, and the overall trend is still in a correction. The overall correction of the inscription sector is relatively large. There is no major risk in the short term. The cottage is still mainly bottom-fishing. Pay attention to the SOL ecological sector (JTO JUP) and the MEME sector


Tangren Talks About Strategy

Since short-term strategies are time-sensitive and the market changes rapidly, many strategies cannot be shared with everyone in a timely manner. Therefore, you can read the introduction on the homepage of the article to find Tangren and send a message to receive it.


The essence of Tangren's trading strategy: the first step is to determine the trading cycle, the second step is to confirm the trading direction, and the third step is to formulate a trading plan. The plan must clearly state: where to enter, why to enter, how much to enter, how to exit, where to exit, and why to exit?

What should you do if you get the market right? What should you do if you get it wrong? If you don’t understand the market, don’t give yourself problems.

Each of my plans includes three predetermined results: exit with a stop loss, exit with a breakeven, and exit with a profit. Regardless of the result, I will review and summarize the gains of this plan after the plan is completed.

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