In the cryptocurrency world, don't do these things!

1. Don't abuse high leverage transactions!

When pursuing high returns, don't blindly increase leverage, otherwise you may lose all your money if the market fluctuates slightly.

2. Don't trust others to make you money!

In the cryptocurrency world, no one will make you money for no reason. Those who say they can make you rich may have other intentions.

3. Don't trade blindly!

If you don't understand the market and currency, don't trade casually. Otherwise, you may lose your own money.

4. Don't use informal trading platforms!

Choose formal platforms like Binance and Ouyi, they are more reliable. Informal platforms may have security risks and even directly cheat you of your money.

5. Don't participate in illegal cryptocurrency speculation!

Such activities not only have great legal risks, but also extremely volatile market fluctuations and extremely high risks. It is best to stay away from these activities to protect yourself from harm.