Passionate operations and emotional operations are two types of people who lose everything in the currency circle. One is that they can't control their hands, and the other is that they can't control their thoughts!

What are the specific solutions to the above two questions?

Passionate operations: directly click on the 15-minute line to operate, operate as soon as you get excited, and feel that there is a market when there is a little wind blowing, and have to operate. These situations are all passionate operations; behind passionate operations, in fact, it is that you can't control your hands and are easily excited. The results are generally not very good!

Emotional operations: can't control your own thoughts, mainly manifested in mindless resistance to orders and counter-trend operations; to be more specific, a certain unilateral trend has After the formation, I obviously know this situation, but I just don’t want to cut my losses, but I resist until the warehouse is empty!

I define this as emotional operation, I am angry with myself, and always hold a glimmer of hope. In fact, the most likely problem in the currency circle is to hold on to hope!

So, my suggestion is that you must be bold!

Don’t operate against the trend. When the direction is clear, you must dare to cut your losses; go when you should go, stay when you should stay, operate decisively, admit mistakes, and make mistakes in a certain direction. It will definitely exist, but you can’t let the mistakes end, then it will really end!

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