Buffett suddenly made a big move!

Buffett played like a fool

Will changed again: no more donations to the Gates Foundation, all managed by three children!

😲 Buffett suddenly rewrote his will! Yes, you heard it right, the world-renowned investment god announced that he would no longer donate to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation after his death! Buffett said that he would deposit all his wealth into a new charitable trust fund, which would be managed by his three children.

📰 Exclusive report from the Wall Street Journal: Buffett said in an interview: "After I die, the Gates Foundation will have no funds." It seems that the stock god is full of confidence in the values ​​of his children. He said: "I am 100% sure that they will achieve their goals."

💼 Previously, Buffett promised to use more than 99% of his inheritance for charity, donating it to the Gates Foundation and four charities related to the family. But now, the plan has changed drastically, and the three children take over!

📊 Buffett continues to donate to the Gates Foundation. During his lifetime, Buffett will continue to donate to the Gates Foundation. Last Friday, Berkshire Hathaway announced that it would convert 9,000 Class A shares into more than 13 million Class B shares, of which about 9.3 million shares would be donated to the Gates Foundation Trust.

🌟 Gates Foundation CEO expressed gratitude Mark Suzman said in a statement to CNN: "Buffett has been generous for 18 years and has provided a lot of advice to the Gates Foundation. We are very grateful to Buffett for his recent gifts and donations totaling approximately $43 billion to our work."

💰 Buffett's legendary wealth road Buffett is the 10th richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of $135 billion. He became a millionaire in his early 30s and a billionaire in his 50s. Now 94 years old, he lives a simple and frugal life, but has a unique view on wealth: "Money is not a big problem."

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