From $3,000 to $14 billion: Bruce's secret to asset growth!

Bruce discovered the commodity futures industry by chance. He mustered up his courage, took out the only $3,000 he had, and with his keen insight and decisiveness, he successfully made his first fortune in the soybean futures market.

Inspired by his success, Bruce decided to go to Wall Street. He submitted his resume to the well-known CC company, hoping to get a position as a trading assistant. Fortunately, during the interview, his talent and potential deeply impressed the legendary trader Michel Marcos, and he was directly offered the position of trader, thus starting his financial career.

At CC, Bruce was deeply influenced by Michel Marcos, and not only learned many valuable trading skills, but also understood important trading mentality and philosophy, such as building confidence, sticking to principles, and having the courage to face and correct mistakes.

In 1983, Bruce set up his own business and founded the capital management company CA. With his rich experience in the financial market and extensive connections, he quickly attracted the attention of a large number of investors. Under his leadership, CA emerged as a rising star in the financial world. By 1987, he had created more than $300 million in profits for his clients, with an average annual compound return rate of 87%, a performance that is legendary in the financial world.

In the following decades, Bruce led CA to grow gradually with his steady investment style and outstanding performance, and eventually grew into a financial giant that manages $14 billion in assets.

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