🌪️ Ethereum ETF's waiting game and MetaMask's big test, what will the market do next?

Let's talk about some hot news related to Ethereum: Ethereum spot ETF's SEC big test and MetaMask's regulatory storm. 📊➡️

First of all, the listing plan of Ethereum ETF has been paused by the SEC, and the S1 form needs to be readjusted. Analyst Eric Balchunas previously said that it could be launched before National Day, but the SEC said "wait a minute" and pushed the deadline to July 8. In this way, we will not be able to see the real Ethereum ETF until mid-to-late July or later. 🚀⏸️

Let's talk about the market. Now the cryptocurrency market sentiment is low, everyone is not very excited, and institutions are not so anxious about the listing of ETH ETF. Some people believe that considering the current decline in enthusiasm in the crypto market, even if ETHETF is approved, it is expected that it will not trigger a large-scale influx of funds in the short term. Therefore, some analysts believe that this market situation may also be a key factor in institutions' cautious attitude towards accelerating the listing process of ETFs. But then again, this gives us a good opportunity to enter the market at a low price! 🤑💰

Then the big news about MetaMask is mentioned below. The SEC sued Consensys, the parent company of MetaMask hot wallet, saying that their staking services and trading functions on MetaMask violated the Securities Exchange Act. Now, MetaMask's staking business, especially its 3-5% revenue handling fee and the free exchange of tokens, may face compliance pressure due to the SEC's review of the definition of securities. 🔒❓

The SEC's meaning is very clear. Want to trade without registration? No way. MetaMask, the big wallet on Ethereum, may face some storms. 🌊

However, in the long run, this may be good news for us investors. Short-term prices may be affected, but long-term investors may see a good time to increase their positions. 🛒

In short, the market is always full of surprises, we have to keep our eyes open and seize opportunities! 👀✨

#以太坊ETF #MetaMask #SEC大考 #加密货币市场 #投资机会