What is the highest realm of trading?

If you don't trade (stocks, bonds, futures, currencies) before the age of 40

You don't have a deep understanding of human nature and the world. In essence, trading is a game of taking money out of each other's pockets. How to use human nature and reflexivity to turn the K-line and emotions into clouds and rain.

The entry point of trading is: understand the K-line and execute the strategy.

The chaotic period of trading is: emotions, games and investment psychology

The highest level of trading: philosophy, psychology, learn to reconcile with your own mediocrity, learn to give up, learn to observe the world at a higher level and polish the microscopic details to change the flash of inspiration from quantitative change to qualitative change. So trading can be very simple - for gamblers, it is gambling trading, or it can be harmonious with nature and man, and it can breed an explosion in peace and be indifferent.

At present, the bull market is surging, and there are passwords shared every day.

If you don't know what to do in the current market, click on my avatar, follow me to see the introduction, bull market spot planning, contract passwords, free sharing.

I need fans, you need references. It's better to follow than to guess.
