$BTC The big cake rose quickly in the morning and broke through last week's highest point of 63357. If it does not fall below last week's lowest point of 58218 this week, then the weekly bottom pattern will be established. What we need to pay attention to later is whether the weekly closing can stand on the 5-week moving average. It is currently around 65050. If it can stand on the 5-week moving average, it will definitely go to 72000 in the next period of time. If it cannot stand on the 5-week moving average, the trend in the next few weeks can refer to the pattern of August-September last year, which is probably a range shock.

Personally, I think the probability of breaking last week's low this week is not high. Today's highs did not increase much. It is necessary to rule out whether it is a short-term inducement. It is good to pay attention to whether the decline can stabilize in the 62500-62000 range. After that, there will be a short-term upward trend. The subsequent rise should be paid attention to. It is best to break through today's high. If it cannot break through today's high, it can basically be predicted in advance that the next market will be a volatile market.