If you want to buy at the bottom, what should you refer to?

1. BTC is still the first choice. The ETH market still has faith in BTC. Large investors and institutions are constantly increasing their positions. ETFs are generally flowing in. At present, market participants are increasingly inclined to buy top assets, so BTC is still the first choice for configuration although its increase is limited. If you can't afford BTC, you can change the reference of BTC to ETH. If the ETF arrives as scheduled next month, ETH's increase will also hopefully exceed BTC!

2. Meme concept. MEME's performance in this bull market is really good. Retail investors don't like to take over VC coins but like to buy MEME. In addition, institutions are no longer looking at MEME with tinted glasses, which has boosted the popularity of MEME. Every time the MEME coin rebounds, its increase is also ahead of the market.

Current MEME concept references: PEPE, FLOKI.

3. There are deterministic narratives. Buy tracks and projects with deterministic narratives. Although this type may have had a large increase in the previous market, it is relatively reliable with the trend to escort it. For example, AI track, RWA track, sol track!

Try to stay away from projects with high valuations and low circulation. The valuations of such projects are too high, and the secondary market space is limited. However, institutions and project owners are looking forward to unlocking and selling, and the selling pressure is very high. This does not mean that such projects will not rise. Short-term speculation and quick entry and exit are OK.

Do not participate in staking and locking positions. There are still some differences between the current staking and DeFi in the last round of bull market. If the previous DeFi market is not right, you can withdraw it at any time to stop the loss. The current point-based project staking is either delayed in opening redemption, or it takes dozens of days to unlock after locking. In the current market environment where the trend is unclear, try to make your position more flexible, don't have too much faith in the project, and don't fall in love with the project.

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