Let me briefly talk about DYDX

Decentralized derivatives in the SOW sector DEFI, providing leveraged trading, perpetual contracts, staking rewards, and liquidity mining incentives

Market value: currently 330 million US dollars

Current circulation: 52% of the total

Investment institutions: A16Z, Three Arrows Capital, Polychain... and other sector giants invest.

Chip distribution: trend of the proportion of coins held by large households, the top 100 wallets account for more than 95% of the current market circulation (more than 95% of the chips are concentrated in the hands of the project party)

K-line indicator: the current point is around 1.37, near the historical lowest point 1, there is not much room below, and the lower 1.32 and 1.2 are both in a strong support position. The daily level has been in a volatile sideways trend for nearly two weeks.

In summary, DYDX's priority:

1. It belongs to the DEFI hot sector and has a certain practical ecology 2. The current market value is low, the chips are concentrated in the hands of large households and dealers, and there are very few chips in the hands of retail investors, so it is relatively easy to pull the market later. 3. The participation of large institutions is conducive to the hype in the later stage and improve the consensus of the project. 4. The space below is small. Before the big cake falls back to below 5.3W, the callback is less than 30% at most. Compared with other projects, the risk of halving and knee-cutting is much better controlled, and there are many supports below:

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