The news that Shevtsova, a senior Russian official, fled to France with huge amounts of money and cryptocurrencies has attracted widespread attention. There are indeed many possible ways for her to transfer such a huge amount of assets.

First, it is obviously unrealistic to transfer such a huge amount of funds through traditional cash smuggling, so it is more likely to use complex financial tools and means. This may include using alternative remittance systems, such as underground banks and informal remittance services, to transfer funds across borders. In addition, using project transactions, such as prepayment of imports, can also cleverly transfer funds abroad.

Another point worth noting is the use of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency, with its high degree of anonymity and decentralization, facilitates the transfer of funds. As a senior official in charge of Russian military finance for a long time, Shevtsova's understanding of the financial market and operational capabilities are likely to enable her to skillfully use cryptocurrency to transfer funds across borders. Cryptocurrency can easily achieve rapid flow of assets by just remembering the password, which is why it is so popular in illegal fund transfers.

Shevtsova has long served as the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia, in charge of finance, and she must have extraordinary talent and ability in financial management. This professional background allows her to easily operate huge assets and use her expertise and experience to transfer funds to a safe place.

Finally, the anonymity of cryptocurrency makes it an ideal tool for illegal fund transfers. Just as $20 billion was transferred to Russia in encrypted form during the Ukrainian war, but the United States has not been able to find out the source of the funds, cryptocurrency provides great convenience and security for fund transfers. Shevtsova's escape and fund transfer once again prove the important role of cryptocurrency in illegal financial activities.

In summary, Shevtsova's ability to transfer huge amounts of money and cryptocurrencies is due not only to her expertise and experience, but also to the help of financial tools such as cryptocurrencies. This incident also reminds us once again that the challenges facing cryptocurrencies in financial supervision and combating illegal financial activities are still severe.

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