As for the altcoins

As the crypto market becomes more and more closely connected with macroeconomics, regulation, and institutions, there has never been a bull market with such high certainty as this one. There was no such high certainty in 2013, 2017, and 2021. But altcoins have never been so uncomfortable, because the overall increase of altcoins is too small compared to the past few rounds, so it will be more intuitive to feel that the wash is more disgusting. In this cycle, the size of the currency circle has increased, and the certainty has increased, which has led to retail investors frantically landing in altcoins. I think the proportion of retail investors in altcoins is far greater than that of Bitcoin and Ethereum, so the more time passes, the more the altcoins need to talk about mentality and patience.

Most of the current altcoin structures are still like this. If they are stable, they still have to wait for a while. As for whether there is still a topic of altcoins in this round of bull market, my answer is that even if there is really no altcoins, the current price is still in the bottom range, and a general increase of 3-5 times is definitely more than enough!

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