There are many copycats now, especially e-marketplaces. ETFs are about to pass. Don't sell them easily after buying them.

If there is no bull market this year, the cycle will be over next year. If the cost is low enough, you must hold on. Don't get used to selling in the shock, and then get thrown off as soon as you drive.

But don't fill your pockets with messy inscriptions, runes, and other things... Just buy some targets that will still exist in the next round. The premise for being able to catch the main rising wave is that the target still exists. Whether it will return to zero, it is easy to judge with simple rational thinking.

There is a saying that the targets on the market are still "overvalued". In mid-2017, I often heard this statement. It is indeed expensive. There are always junk projects with valuations of hundreds of millions of dollars. This depends on personal opinion. Later, these very expensive targets with valuations of hundreds of millions of dollars were all valued at tens of billions of dollars. The average increase in the market is about 20-50 times, and if a few dark horses are bought, it will be 1,000 times.

If you let me smell it, yes, I will smell it. Many targets in the speculative market are difficult to value, and the most lucrative profits are the part of the bubble. It is unrealistic to just want to eat the bubble and not participate in blowing the bubble.

After smelling it, I think it is not expensive now, and the decline is limited.