Invest in "virtual currency" to make a lot of money ❓ My greed has ruined me

What is virtual currency🤔

▶️Virtual currency refers to a kind of virtual money on the Internet. With the popularity of virtual currency, virtual currency has become a popular investment target, and various virtual currency platforms have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. Criminals on the Internet advocated "investing in virtual currency, short cycle, quick effect, and quick return on investment". Many people invested with a try-it mentality, but they didn't expect to fall into the vortex of being deceived and suffered heavy losses.

▶️Recently, Xiaochen's client encountered a virtual currency fraud

Ms. Yang is a virtual currency mystery. She often invests in various virtual currencies online, hoping to make a fortune from it. In May this year, a netizen in the currency circle recommended a virtual currency investment platform that can buy and sell "Huobi" to Ms. Yang, claiming that there is a special person to guide, and if the investment is proper, it can have a premium of up to 10 times. After Ms. Yang expressed her interest, she clicked on the link sent by the other party to download the "Huobi" investment platform.

▶️At the beginning, Ms. Yang made a small deposit according to the arrangement of the customer service, and bought and sold according to the arrangement of the "investment mentor". She did make a small profit and successfully withdrew the money. After the withdrawal was successful, the "investment mentor" advocated the appreciation space of "Huobi", saying that the price of virtual currency was about to rise, it would be connected to Bitcoin, and it would join hands with Alibaba, etc., constantly inducing Ms. Yang to increase the frequency and amount of purchases. In just half a month, she invested more than 700,000 yuan to buy "Huobi".

▶️As the profits displayed on the platform increased, Ms. Yang was excited. Little did she know that the balance Ms. Yang saw on the platform was just a string of meaningless numbers. When Ms. Yang transferred the money to the bank card provided by the platform, all the money was transferred to the bank card of the scammer. The account balance displayed on the platform can be modified at will in the background. After Ms. Yang applied for withdrawal from the platform, the platform always refused to withdraw money for various reasons and asked Ms. Yang to pay various fees. At this time, Ms. Yang realized that she was deceived. Heavy losses

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