What is the prospect of Lista ecosystem?

Lista has had a low-income airdrop on Binance before, and everyone should not have forgotten it. In fact, the future of Lista is even more exciting.


There is no doubt that Lista is the governance token of Lista DAO.

What benefits and rights do users who hold Lista have?

First: Lista holders can stake Lista to obtain rewards, which is a long-term and long-term way of income.

Second: You can participate in and promote community governance.

LISTA allows holders to propose and vote or provide feedback on the future features, upgrades and/or parameters of Lista DAO (such as the distribution of income pools for ecosystem development and growth, the addition of treasuries, adjustment of protocol parameters and rates, etc.).

Long-term project community building and maintenance are particularly important.

Third: slisbnb's feedback mechanism.

slisbnb is different from traditional staking methods. The assets in traditional staking are usually locked in contracts, while liquid staking tokens can be used for transactions or as collateral to earn income in the entire decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.

Using slisbnb, users can not only earn extra income on multiple DeFi platforms, but also get staking rewards at the same time.

The prospects of slisbnb depend on Lista.

It can be understood that the two complement each other. As long as Lista maintains a good reputation and can attract more currency holders, attract more users to buy, and participate in staking, the prospects of slisbnb will not be bad. Slisbnb has unlimited prospects, and Lista will also move forward.

Finally, I would like to express my own outlook:

As long as Lista maintains its original intention, develops more ways of staking, and continues to innovate, it is important to maintain the current people-friendly communication method, which will definitely attract more investors.

Come on $lista