The beginning of July was very exciting, mainly focusing on three major events: First, the announcement of the Ethereum (ETH) ETF, which is regarded as the driving engine of the bull market, because more than 90% of cryptocurrency projects rely on the Ethereum ecosystem, and its prosperity will surely drive the development of the entire industry.

Secondly, Biden and Trump announced their participation in the Mentougou incident, which is undoubtedly the biggest marketing event in the market this year.

As the participation of the current president and candidate president of the United States, it will bring strong confidence to the world. Therefore, I predicted five days ago that July is expected to start with a climax.

There is a famous proverb in the stock market-"5 poor, 6 desperate, and 7 turnaround". After the poverty in May and the despair in June, it is now July. This tone is not just a verbal talk, but a reflection of the long-term economic laws of the market.

After three months of adjustment, the market does owe us a chance to rise sharply, so July is indeed expected to usher in a revival of the market, let us cheer together.

#BTC☀ #etf以太坊 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #非农就业数据即将公布