There used to be a futures forum called "Speculation Island", which was filled with a large number of people who traded with full or heavy positions every day. In such a forum, most of them were ordinary workers or traders with less than 100,000 yuan of funds. However, there were occasionally people who became rich overnight by trading heavily, from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions, which gave people the illusion that "if others can do it, so can I". Therefore, most people in the forum were lost in the game of losing and making money every day, hoping that one day they would be blessed by fate and become rich overnight. $BTC

For a living in trading, ordinary people hope to make a lot of money from a small amount, or to make a lot of money from a small amount to more than the cost of living. However, trading is an uncertain game, and there is no "stable" income. $ETH

You should understand the following questions:

1. If the transaction fails, what is the way out? Trading is an uncertain game. You should think about losing before you fight. If you lose your capital or continue to make no money, how long can you hold on? Going all out, emotionally trapped, and losing, will reveal the signs of failure. If you cannot accept failure, such psychological pressure will be enough to distort your trading and greatly increase the probability of failure.

2. Does your trading experience support your decision? Although past trading experience cannot represent future performance, it can at least be a reference standard. Successful people are more likely to succeed in the future. Therefore, review your past trading experience to see if its rate of return and stability can meet your life needs.

When trading, you should not think about getting rich overnight, but hope to survive and make profits in the market in a sustainable, long-term manner. If you want to get rich overnight, you must hold a large position, and a large position will inevitably be accompanied by a large fluctuation of funds. The less money a person has, the more he wants to make quick money, and holding a large position or frequent trading will further lose money, and this cycle will be repeated and time will be wasted. Even if a small number of people can successfully get rich overnight, the probability of failure is far greater than the possibility of success. Rational people should not take this path.

Therefore, if you want to make a living by trading, you should bet on the "big" for the "small". When you have enough capital and the expected value of annual returns is pushed to the point that even the fixed income from the bank is enough to cover your living expenses, then you should consider taking this path. This is the most conservative and safest choice.

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