🪙 Why does the#Notcointoken foundation still hold 13% of the issuance? Not the 5.82% reported last time? See what the founder of $NOT said

🤔 Legacy issues

An important event in the ecosystem should be the destruction of a large number of tokens that were not claimed by users before June 16. In an interview, Sasha Plotvinov, the founder of $NOT , estimated that this part of tokens accounted for tens of percentage points. However, a few days ago we saw that only 210 million tokens were destroyed, accounting for only 0.2%, or $3 million in US dollars.

🤔 Why are so few tokens destroyed? Sasha Plotvinov, the founder of #Notcoin, explained the 210 million figure:

✅ Many people did not claim them, but the unclaimed tokens accounted for a small amount, about 3%. These tokens are divided into 0.2% destruction, 0.3% airdrop and 2.5% for future development.

✅ Originally planned to burn half, but after all the Binance, Launchpool and liquidity activities, the fund was running low and decided to keep the funds for the development of the project. Decided that it would be foolish to develop the project without funds.

✅ Originally planned to use $TON to pay gas fees for claims, but finally decided to pay with #Notcoin, removing the withdrawal barrier. We have no intention to block withdrawals, just expect more unclaimed.

🤔 Despite the announcement in the channel that the foundation holds 5% of the tokens, there are currently more than 13 billion $NOT in the team wallet, accounting for more than 13% of the total. Sasha Plotvinov explained this amount:

✅ Staked tokens + tokens earned through Explorer + funds for future development

🌈 Conclusion:

This shows that the current work on token economics is not yet complete and will only be consistent with the official channel's announcement in the future.

By the way, all funds were previously stored in the normal TON wallet, and have now been moved to a multi-signature wallet (multisig), which requires multiple holders to jointly conduct transactions. Sasha said this was a request from Binance.

Interestingly, Binance is the largest holder of $NOT, holding more than 20% of the circulation in its wallet, worth $300 million (2.1 billion $NOT). Another interesting fact is that Binance's cold wallet is also the richest Bitcoin address.