Some people are financially free, while others lose everything. What determines your fundamental ability to make money in the cryptocurrency circle?

Sometimes different people buy a coin at the same point.

Even if the positions bought are the same and the time of purchase is the same.

However, the endings are completely different.

Some people make money, some lose money, and some work in vain, neither losing nor gaining.

Why do different endings appear with the same entry time and the same currency?

Because the holders are different.

In addition to the same physiological structure, people have different psychological and soul structures.

In this utilitarian and distinct world, to a certain extent, the ability to make money is the criterion for judging whether a person is successful.

Whether in the cryptocurrency circle, the chain circle or other fields, when you ask the top leaders in the industry for the secret of making money,

you will be told by predecessors or successful people: improve your cognition.

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