Monday is a new beginning. We have seen a long-awaited slight recovery. For the new quarter, we hope that this recovery will continue. After all, after a long period of decline, many people have become tired and numb. Now, it is time for some positive wealth-creating effects to emerge and stimulate the vitality of the market! This week, we will have a series of important macro data releases: at 20:15 on Wednesday night, the United States will release the ADP employment figures for June; and at 20:30 on Friday night, the United States will release the non-farm payrolls data for June. These data will undoubtedly provide us with important clues about the economic situation, so let us wait and see! If you have been chasing ups and downs, are often trapped, have no latest news in the currency circle, and have no direction, click on the avatar to follow me, for more information on the homepage, and share the bull market strategy escape skills with fans #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #币安合约锦标赛 #MiCA