A quick overview of popular coins in 3 hours (from CoinsRadar.net):

[Coin price fluctuations]

1. BTC 1-hour RSI index breaks through 70

2. [Contract] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

#ENS +8.63% #CKB +8.11% #VANRY +7.52% ;#1000RATS -2.38% SFP -0.46% TRX -0.28%

[Spot] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

ENS +8.59% CKB +8.18% VANRY +7.46% ;PHA -3.3% RAD -2.36% REI -2.19%

[Important information]

1. Raoul Pal: 90% of the cryptocurrency portfolio is invested in SOL

2. A new address has transferred 6,215 ETH from Coinbase in the past four hours

3. The stablecoin market remained relatively stable in June, with little change in supply

4. Vitalik published an article to explore ways to provide Ethereum users with faster transaction confirmation times

5. Data: Investors invested about $13 billion in Bitcoin funds in the first three months of this year

6. NFT TGOA-026 "HIKARI. SAWA" was sold at 0.15 ETH, down 98% from its high two years ago

7. Amber Japan announced its name change to S.BLOX

8. This week, focus on macro data and SEC's response to ETH ETF

9. 52.5 million USDC transferred from Binance to an unknown wallet

10. Mad Lads floor price breaks through 100 SOL#内容挖矿

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