$PLUME airdrop feast, open your new era of blockchain!

With the rapid development of blockchain technology, a new opportunity is quietly coming. The $PLUME airdrop event has officially started. This is a feast carefully prepared for all blockchain enthusiasts! On Plume Network, a revolutionary modular RWA L2 platform, you will not only have the opportunity to access the most cutting-edge technology, but also experience the magic of putting real-world assets on the chain.

1. What is Plume Network?

Plume Network, as the first modular RWA L2 platform, has broken the shackles of traditional blockchain technology and provided unlimited possibilities for real-world assets to be put on the chain. The participation of more than 80 projects demonstrates its strong ecological charm and broad development prospects.

2. How to get $PLUME airdrop?

  1. Add Plume Network to Metamask:

    • Visit chainlist.org/chain/161221135

    • Connect your Metamask wallet

    • Click “Add to Metamask” and mint NFTs for free

  2. Minting NFTs:

    • Visit zora.co/collect/arb:0x192fc1c54ebaffb8ad148b1991f9196babc23e93/1

    • Select the Arbitrum network and connect your wallet

    • Click "Mint" and confirm the transaction

  3. Get test ETH:

    • Visit alchemy.com/faucets/ethereum-sepolia

    • Enter your address and click “Send Me ETH”

  4. Cross-chain bridging and NFT minting:

    • Access faucet.plumenetwork.xyz and testnet-bridge.plumenetwork.xyz

    • Request test tokens and bridge $ETH from Sepolia network to Plume network testnet

    • Mint your NFTs on plumenetwork.xyz/testnet and complete the “Social Goons” quest

  5. Deploy contracts and participate in Galxe activities:

    • Visit thirdweb.com/thirdweb.eth/TokenERC20 to deploy your contract

    • Visit app.galxe.com/quest/PlumeNetwork/ to participate in Galxe activities and win more rewards

3. Conclusion

The $PLUME airdrop event not only brings you generous rewards, but also a great opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of blockchain technology and explore the future financial world. Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, act now and start your new era of blockchain! On the Plume Network platform, you will witness a brand new world slowly unfolding, and you will be a witness and participant of this world!

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