Long continuation?

Peak and retracement?

You need to know these about the future market direction

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is Farsight's view of the future market. On the first day of July, I wish the motherland prosperity. Without further ado, let's continue to trade in the new month.

First of all, we have to mention the US PCE data for May released last Friday. The core PCE index was announced at an annual rate of 2.6%, and the price index was announced at a monthly rate of 0.1%, which was perfectly consistent with the forecast, setting the lowest growth rate in nearly three years. Only through the forecast data, Farsight thoroughly analyzed the viewpoints to everyone half an hour before the data was released, and told everyone to hold the long orders firmly. No, the intraday increase successfully won more than 3,000 points and more than 100 points, and this is only the impact on the current market. The essence of the foundation for the future market bulls will be more far-reaching.

Let's see that from the weekly level trend, under the pull-up from the early morning, the weekly level trend of Dabing and Auntie received a cross star above MA12/MA30 respectively, and the daily level trend also stood firmly above the moving average support. From the structural point of view, the rebound of the mid-line level is urgent.

Don't forget here that on the macro level, the upcoming ETF approval is about to land. Although it may not be a good help to the current bulls, for the medium and long term, especially now that the ETF market has begun to reverse inflow, its help to the bullish sentiment must be a higher level. Even if it may give a certain selling pressure, it is still another opportunity to arrange the bulls.

Finally, when it comes to the point, as long as the current market does not break out a sharp negative, then Dabing's target must be 6.5-6.55w, and Auntie will rise synchronously. There is no problem with the initial 3600.

#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #比特币走势分析