Before I entered the cryptocurrency trading circle, I had seen many cases of people being ruined by cryptocurrency trading, and I had read stories of people getting rich overnight by cryptocurrency trading.

I knew this was the beginning of a super difficult mode, fighting against my own greed and human nature. I thought I knew enough about various technical indicators, from wave theory to entanglement theory, from maxs to MA moving averages. From Fibonacci retracements to Bollinger band channels. From macroeconomic analysis to US interest rate hikes. I thought I had analyzed it thoroughly enough, but in the end, the market trend was mostly contrary to me.

The result was that I made a mistake in buying orders and lost money.

I did not set stop-profit and stop-loss for many times, and my position was directly liquidated.

The longer I trade, the more complicated my trading system becomes.

Simple trading system.

Continuous execution,

Control the frequency of opening orders.