Morning News:

1. The total financing amount of the crypto market fell by 32.5% month-on-month;

2. SUI unlocked tokens worth about 53.23 million US dollars;

3. X user bought 4 million DOG on Magic Eden;

4. Sony Group acquired Amber Japan;

5. Abraxas Capital withdrew 60,000 ETH from Bitfnex and borrowed 100 million DAI to deposit in Binance;

6. Paraguayan National Electricity Administration employees were accused of setting up illegal Bitcoin mines;

7. Coinbase software engineers suggested that the Democratic Party change its attitude towards cryptocurrencies;

8. Vitalik Buterin published an article proposing a way to speed up the confirmation time of Ethereum transactions;

9.0binna Uzoiie praised the unified regulations for providing clarity to crypto investors;

10. The main force lacks confidence in the future of HTX-BTC

#MiCA #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #币安合约锦标赛