🚀Web3 payment rails are in a similar spot to early debit cards in the 70s, usable only in specific places. While some online stores accept Bitcoin, most physical retailers don't. This is due to lack of awareness, negative sentiments around crypto, and low availability of POS terminals designed for crypto payments. Web3 builders need to focus on improving consumer experiences at a day-to-day level. Like debit cards with POS machines, crypto is futile without corresponding and accessible infrastructure. The tech-driven, jargon-heavy development/marketing paradigm shows that Web3 is currently optimized for institutional adoption. However, the mission is to build tools that put individual consumers in control of their money, data, and identity. This can't be expected from centralized for-profit institutions. Web3-native developers and entrepreneurs have to shoulder the responsibility of building user-facing infra. The ability to spend crypto would make it more meaningful and useful for mainstream retail users, creating grassroots empowerment that initiates a positive feedback loop. The adoption curve would be exponential if projects began delivering that level of value.