The total locked volume (TVL) of the Ethereum Layer 2 expansion solution Scroll mainnet has achieved a significant breakthrough. The following is a detailed analysis and summary of this situation:

TVL breaks through all-time highs: The TVL on the Scroll mainnet has exceeded US$900 million, reaching US$927.03 million, which is a record high. This data is based on L2BEAT data and shows Scroll’s prominent position in Ethereum’s Layer 2 expansion solution.

Growth rate: In the past 7 days, the TVL growth rate of Scroll mainnet has reached 17.97%, showing its rapid growth momentum.

About Scroll: Scroll is an expansion solution for the Ethereum Layer 2 network. It helps Ethereum solve the scalability problem by improving network throughput and reducing single transaction costs. Transactions are processed on Layer 2 and Layer 1 is only used when necessary. This off-chain improvement method improves the scalability of Ethereum.

The importance of Layer 2 expansion solutions: Layer 2 expansion solutions are the key to improving the scalability of Ethereum. As the cryptocurrency market continues to develop, Ethereum is facing increasing transaction pressure. The Layer 2 solution effectively alleviates this pressure by processing transactions off-chain. As a member of the Layer 2 expansion solution, Scroll has successfully exceeded the TVL of US$900 million, which not only proves its technical strength and market recognition, but also provides strong support for the improvement of Ethereum’s scalability.

Conclusion: The breakthrough of Scroll mainnet TVL is a milestone in the development of Ethereum Layer 2 expansion solutions. As technology continues to advance and the market continues to expand, Ethereum's scalability will be further improved, laying a solid foundation for the prosperity and development of the cryptocurrency market.