📢Blockchain News Flash! 🎉

The total open interest of BTC options is $14.32 billion, and the open interest of ETH options is $5.7 billion. Bitcoin is still strong! 💪💪💪

Data from Polymarket shows that Biden's chance of winning the election hit a new low of 16%. The political situation is changing, and the blockchain industry is also paying close attention. 👀

The movements of whales are also attracting attention. The whale that opened a position on June 25 liquidated 339 billion PEPEs 2 hours ago, worth $3.79 million. What kind of mysterious power is this? 🐋🐋🐋

The trading volume of Solana on-chain DEX yesterday was $1.148 billion, surpassing Ethereum to rank first. Solana's performance is eye-catching! 🎆🎆🎆

Over 82% of the world's cryptocurrency ATMs are located in the United States, with Canada ranking second with 7.7%. The global influence of the blockchain industry is increasing. 🌍🌍🌍

In the past 7 days, the NFT transaction volume on the Polygon chain exceeded 22.69 million US dollars, ranking second, up 33.71% month-on-month, and the NFT market is still hot. 🔥🔥🔥

Justin Sun said that this year's goal is to achieve $1 billion in protocol revenue for TRON. We look forward to TRON's performance! 🚀🚀🚀

Please note that the official X account of the meme project BorpaToken has been stolen. Please do not click on any links. Safety first! 🔒🔒🔒

The above is today's blockchain news flash. Let us look forward to more excitement in the blockchain industry! 🎉🎉🎉