According to Jinshi, analyst Giuseppe Dellamotta said that the annual rate of CPI in the euro zone, which will be released next Tuesday, is expected to be 2.5%, compared with 2.6% in the previous period; the annual rate of core CPI is expected to be 2.8%, compared with 2.9% in the previous period. This report is not expected to change any ideas of the ECB, as they want to see data throughout the summer before deciding to cut interest rates in September. Nevertheless, if inflation slows down faster in the summer, or there is some rapid deterioration in the economy, the market should digest more rate cuts before the end of the year. Currently, the market expects the ECB to cut interest rates by 46 basis points by the end of the year, with a 61% probability of unchanged interest rates at the July meeting and an 83% probability of a rate cut at the September meeting.