What is MC? The full name of MC coin in English is Merit Circle. The issuance date is 2021-12-03. The maximum supply is 1,000,000,000 MC and the circulation is 42,592,000 MC. Merit Circle is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that invests in earn-while-playing games and leverages NFTs by lending DAO's NFT assets to players. Through collaboration, education, and tools, players can increase their gaming revenue. Starting in Q1 2022, players and managers will begin playing through the Merit Circle dashboard, providing them with the Merit Circle meta-game experience, a challenging and rewarding game on top of the native game they are playing. This allows players to play two games at the same time and make a profit at the same time.

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Merit Circle is creating a decentralized autonomous organization to provide opportunities for people who want to help build the Metaverse to make money through gaming. This is done through the Merit Circle platform we are building, which provides scholarship opportunities, educational opportunities, and everything else a person might need on the journey to becoming a profitable gamer in the Metaverse.

The Merit Circle DAO consists of a mainDAO that manages numerous subDAOs that act as tentacles for the entire Play-to-Earn industry. The protocol is maintained by various independent parties and individuals through governance powered by MC token holders.

Merit Circle DAO is a tool that fits the needs of many different groups. Operating in an emerging industry like the Play-to-Earn industry, we are bridging the gap between gamers, DAO contributors, and education. Merit Circle DAO will include a platform for players to earn income through a model where they earn income by playing games. Earning income is something that every player can do on their own, but there are many benefits to working with Merit Circle.

  • We provide players with the most competitive game assets

  • We provide educational content and hold courses to improve the performance of our players

  • We have a vibrant community of gamers

  • We will host meta games on top of existing games for our community members

  • We will provide additional rewards to the best performing players

MC is the governance token of Merit Circle DAO and has the following current and planned use cases:

  • Governance: MC token holders (collateralized tokens) can vote on network governance decisions.

  • Play-to-earn index: Each MC token represents a portion of the MainDAO treasury. Through MC tokens, users can access multiple game NFTs in various subDAOs, which will serve as an index for the play-to-earn industry.

  • Staking: MC token holders can stake their MC tokens or Uniswap LP tokens in the Merit Circle platform to receive MC rewards.

  • Early Access to NFTs: MC token holders can be the first to experience the distribution of native NFTs from Merit Circle and NFTs from platform partners.

  • Platform Rewards: In the future, MC token holders will be eligible for platform rewards and product discounts based on their MC holdings.

The project raised $4.5 million in seed sales, selling 140,625,000 MC (14.06% of the total token supply). The DAO has raised $105.5 million in the Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool via Copperlaunch, selling 41,020,000 MC tokens (4.10% of the total token supply). The funds raised are held in the DAO treasury.

MC coin distribution situation (MC) ratio description

  • Community incentives 301 million 30.19% unspecified

  • Team and consultants 200 million 20% unspecified

  • DAO Treasury 164 million 16.4% Unspecified

  • Seed round 140 million 14.06% Unspecified

  • Mortgage reward 100 million 10% unspecified

  • Public offering round 41 million 4.1% Unspecified

  • Retroactive reward of 40 million 4% unspecified

  • Binance Launchpool 12.5 million 1.25% Unspecified

MC Token Release Schedule

MC Coin partners: