What does the collective high-platform diving in the cryptocurrency circle mean?

Usually this means that a large amount of funds are being withdrawn, and the new investors (new leeks) entering the market are not enough to support the market to continue to rise, resulting in a sharp drop in prices.

In addition, the decline in the expectation of the Fed's interest rate cut is also an important factor in market volatility.

When the market generally believes that there will not be a large amount of incremental funds entering in the short term, everyone may choose to take profits and leave the market, further exacerbating the downward trend.

Although blockchain technology itself has great potential, it is not realistic for ordinary people to get rich quickly by investing in blockchain-related products such as cryptocurrencies.

The cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile, and everyone needs to have sufficient risk tolerance and market insight to succeed in the long run.

Therefore, it is very important for everyone to keep a normal mind, pay attention to the development trends and technological progress of the industry, and not excessively pursue short-term investment returns.

By understanding the fundamentals of the industry, technical dynamics and market dynamics, everyone can make more informed decisions and reduce investment risks.

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