$BTC $ETH $BNB Recently, I have seen countless people scolding various coins they hold. This may be human nature. I never bring friends to trade coins. Why? Because they don’t understand, don’t have enough knowledge, and then they have their own ideas. High-frequency trading, sometimes I feel like I have become the Buffett of the coin circle when I make a small profit. I will even start to gradually play contracts. To be honest, it is unjust for such people not to lose money. In the coin circle, in addition to buying coins, it is more important to improve your own cognition, think about the reasons why the dealer pulls the market and smashes the market, and think from the perspective of others. Or you can control your hands and don’t chase highs or sell lows. The longer it stays sideways, the more violent it is. Last year, I stayed at home for half a year without going out just to wait for an outbreak. In the meantime, I learned about various coins because I knew that sighing was useless. The bull market will definitely rise very violently. Because, if it doesn’t rise, the dealer can’t cut the leeks. So the violent bull market will definitely come back, it just depends on whether you are still there.

Remember, only about 20% of people can make money in a bull market, and most people lose everything. First of all, 99.999% of those who play contracts and are not dealers lose money. Secondly, those who chase the rise and fall and high-frequency trading lose money. Thirdly, those who follow orders lose money. The last type is also the most common. They follow whatever local dogs they see recommended by others in the square, and also follow others to advertise in the comment area. If you want to make money, please isolate yourself from these types of people first. Temper your character, you can't eat hot tofu in your heart!