[Blockchain Focus] July Wealth Release: More than $730 million in tokens unlocked, market vitality upgraded again!

According to authoritative media Wu Shuo, TokenUnlocks data revealed that in July 2024, a number of star projects such as DYDX, SUI, IO, XAI, IMX, APT, STRK, ARB, AXS, APE, PIXEL, WLD, ALT, etc. ushered in large-scale token unlocking, with a total amount exceeding $730 million, and market liquidity and investment opportunities are unprecedentedly high.

Highlights: ALT project unlocked more than $120 million in a single time, of which the team, consultants and investors unlocked a total of up to $110 million, demonstrating internal confidence and market potential. WLD launched a 730-day linear unlocking plan from July 24, unlocking an average of 6.62 million WLD tokens per day, worth about $18 million, covering the unlocking of the community, development team and investors, reaching $8.88 million, $5.14 million and $3.62 million respectively, showing a long-term development strategy and community co-building vision.

This unlocking wave not only brings rich returns to investors, but also stimulates the market's innovative vitality and investment enthusiasm. Keep up with the trend, seize opportunities, and witness the glorious moments of the blockchain industry with us!

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