#美联储何时降息? #MegadropLista #币安合约锦标赛 #Meme板块普涨

In the trading market, self-discipline is the key to long-term success!

As the big brother Ge Weidong said, it is not realistic to catch all the fluctuations in the air situation. There is no unchanging best strategy in the market, but there is indeed a universal truth: the most self-disciplined and strong executive people will eventually stand out.

In terms of trading strategy, we need to do addition and subtraction. First, add foundations such as frameworks and technical theories, which are the basis for building confidence and insight; then, constantly condense and summarize experience, eliminate invalid factors, and enhance core competitiveness.

Successful traders know how to balance ups and downs. They can stand up again after short-term failures and are confident in subsequent signals. There is no absolute in the market, and there is no fixed pattern for ups and downs. Therefore, the ability to judge the balance of ups and downs in the market is the magic weapon for winning.

In trading, desire is a double-edged sword. Moderate desire drives us forward, but excessive desire may lead to impulsiveness and wrong decisions. Therefore, we must find a balance in self-discipline, keep a clear mind, and always focus on long-term goals.

In short, the art of trading is not only about analyzing the market and technology, but also about controlling your emotions and desires. Only in this way can you move forward steadily in the turbulent market and become a trading expert that cannot be ignored.